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13 Charities Fighting Hunger

Today, 690 million people—perhaps even someone you know personally—will battle concentration issues, mental illness, and increased risk of life-threatening, preventable health problems. They’ll fight to succeed in school, advance in their careers, or realize their full potential. 

All because they’re hungry.

Likewise, today hundreds of hunger charities across the nation will feed food-insecure people and their families while working towards solutions to end stateside and global hunger for good. 

Even if you never experience hunger first-hand, you will experience its impact, as global hunger and food crises play a critical role in limiting economic growth and widening the income gap.

When you donate to charities fighting hunger, you’re not just helping to feed families in need: you’re helping to fund long-term solutions that can have far-reaching benefits.

Ready to give? Consider these 12 hunger charities making strides in the fight against hunger in America and around the world.

These 13 Nonprofits Are Working to Fight Hunger

1. Action Against Hunger

13 Charities Fighting Hunger Image 1
Photo Credit: Guy Calaf for Action Against Hunger, Nigeria
13 Charities Fighting Hunger Image 2
Photo Credit: Lys Arango for Action Against Hunger, Ethiopia

Action Against Hunger is a global humanitarian organization that has been leading the fight against hunger, malnutrition, and clean water initiatives for more than 40 years. Over 21 million people in nearly 50 countries around the world rely on the life-saving work of Action Against Hunger, whose ability to actually predict and prevent the devastating community effects of malnutrition and waterborne disease makes them uniquely deserving of a spot on our list.

For donors who care about…

  • Global hunger initiatives 
  • Global clean water initiatives
  • Ending child hunger
  • Malnutrition

How to Support Action Against Hunger 

2. Feast for All

Volunteers in Feast for All

Feast for All stands for Food, Education, Access, Support, Together. With operations in Los Angeles and New York, the organization was created to help families live healthier, more nourishing lives and ensure that every person has access to healthy ingredients. Not only can families in need receive nutritional food through Feast’s services, they also receive free cooking and nutrition classes, as well as support groups where the connections and friendships they make can help them maintain healthy, life-lengthening habits longer than they might on their own.

For donors who care about…

  • Nutrition and diet education 
  • Funding community support groups
  • Children and families

How to Support Feast for All

3. City Harvest 

City harvest guy

City Harvest has fed more than 1.5 million New Yorkers since 1982, namely by “rescuing” great, healthy food that might otherwise be discarded. More than 20 trucks distribute the “rescued” food to soup kitchen, shelters, and homes throughout the city. The nonprofit, which employs over 160 people, also has its own Food Rescue Facility, with freezers and refrigerators that help keep rescued food preserved, fresh, and delicious for its recipients.

For donors who care about…

  • Food preservation and food waste 
  • The New York City community
  • Soup kitchens and shelters
  • Eliminating food deserts 

How to Support City Harvest

4. No Kid Hungry

Volunteers in Team no kid hungry

The national nonprofit Share Our Strength is ending childhood hunger in America through its special campaign, No Kid Hungry, having already provided more than 1 billion meals to children since the 1980s. 

For donors who care about…

  • Feeding children in America
  • Solving hunger in America
  • Research and education
  • Food distribution to those in need

How to Support No Kid Hungry

5. Meals on Wheels 

Fermin in Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels is committed to ensuring America’s ever-expanding population of elderly citizens will always have healthy, warm meals—and a little company, too. For senior citizens who may no longer be able to cook for themselves, or who may be living in poverty, Meals on Wheels makes it possible for these individuals to stay in their homes rather than relocate to an assisted living facility. Each meal delivered includes a salad, entree, starch, vegetable, bread, dessert, and milk. Visits also include a social visit and safety check. 

For donors who care about…

  • Senior citizens and elderly welfare
  • Senior citizens in poverty
  • Delivering food (and company!) to the elderly in need
  • Community support

How to Support Meals on Wheels 

  • Donate directly on their site
  • Shop and donate your cash back using Giving Assistant: Several local Meals on Wheels local chapters are available. Just search Meals on Wheels when selecting a nonprofit in your account settings to see if your local group is listed. Contact Giving Assistant customer support if you’d like help finding or getting your local Meals on Wheels group added.
  • Volunteer to deliver meals 

6. World Central Kitchen  

Chef in World Central Kitchen

World Central Kitchen is a unique food and hunger-focused nonprofit specifically focused on providing food in the wake of crises and natural disasters. Dubbed “food first responders,” World Central Kitchen’s volunteers—including volunteer chefs—have played an integral role in helping keep people fed during the coronavirus pandemic. The nonprofit has also played a special role in supporting local and small restaurants. 

For donors who care about…

  • First response missions
  • Global food insecurity
  • Pandemic food insecurity
  • The restaurant industry

How to Support World Central Kitchen 

7. Feeding America

Group of volunteer in Feeding America

Feeding America is a national nonprofit that parents literally thousands of other small, nonprofit food banks across the nation. In addition to providing critical funding to your local food banks, Feeding America keeps its finger on the pulse of national hunger issues. Their work has gone beyond just keeping food on the table of millions upon millions of Americans, and has played an integral role in keeping people informed about the state of hunger in the U.S., and strategies to predict and solve hunger issues. 

For donors who care about…

  • National hunger
  • Curing American family food insecurity
  • Hunger research and initiatives
  • Keeping local food banks funded

How to Support Feeding America

8. SF Marin Food Bank

SF Marin Food Bank volunteers

The San Francisco-Marin Food Bank distributes enough food to serve more than 200,000 people weekly. Since 1987, the Food Bank has pioneered many successful food distribution models and long-term strategies to end hunger and empower neighbors in need, from college food pantries to a pantry on wheels serving isolated, low-income families. They partner with over 385 partners to support food pantries across San Francisco and Marin counties, where clients can select fresh produce, pantry staples, and protein to cook at home.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Food Bank helps twice as many households to receive weekly groceries compared to before the pandemic, plus opened emergency Pop-Up Pantries and home-delivered groceries to over 8,000 seniors sheltering in place.

For donors who care about…

  • Policy reform and advocacy
  • Food and nutrition education
  • Community-wide outreach in San Francisco
  • COVID-19 pandemic food security

How to Support

9. Hunger Free America

Hunger Free America volunteers

Hunger Free America (HFA), formerly the New York City Coalition Against Hunger, works to end hunger through advocacy and direct services nationally and within New York City, where its headquartered. HFA provides the most comprehensive resource for hungry Americans to access nutritious food through food pantries, soup kitchens, and other programs. The nonprofit also helps Americans enroll in federal food assistance programs like WIC and SNAP and connects families struggling to pay their bills to short-term hunger relief.

HFS has victoriously advocated for improved public and economic policies, including minimum wage increases, the expansion of universal breakfast programs for kids, and helping to secure additional government funds for COVID-19 pandemic food programs.

For donors who care about…

  • Advocacy, research, and policy change
  • National anti-hunger programs
  • New York City food security
  • Short-term hunger relief

How to Support

10. Feed the Children

Feed the Children volunteers

Feed the Children is one of the world’s leading anti-hunger organizations, distributing roughly 87.8 million pounds of food and essential items to benefit more than 7.3 million people globally. Established in 1979, this Oklahoma City-based organization distributes product donations from corporate donors to community partners, provides school supplies and classroom support to at-risk students, and mobilizes resources to aid recovery efforts during national disasters.

Internationally, Feed the Children manages child-focused community development programs to help reduce hunger and malnutrition, teaching health and self-reliance in the most vulnerable communities across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

For donors who care about…

  • Global childhood hunger
  • Feeding schoolchildren
  • Natural disaster relief
  • Community development

How to Support

11. Fight to Feed

Fight to Feed volunteers

Fight to Feed is a 100% volunteer-run, community-based organization with chapters in Chicago, IL, Atlanta, GA, and Kansas City, MO that fights to end hunger and reduce food waste. To date, the organization serves over 250,000 meals and rescues over 30,000 pounds of food from local partners monthly. Every week, Fight to Feed redistributes surplus food to soup kitchens, food pantries, and shelter partners and works with community partners and chefs to cook at donated kitchen spaces and distribute meals to underserved and homeless communities.

For donors who care about…

  • Reducing food waste
  • Building community
  • Feeding underserved communities
  • Feeding the homeless

How to Support

12. The Hunger Project

The Hunger Project program

The Hunger Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending world hunger through its ongoing grassroots, women-centered programs in 23 countries across Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. The Hunger Project uses a holistic approach to help rural communities fight hunger, malnutrition, and poverty through community-led programs prioritizing self-reliance and dignity. The Project provides people with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to achieve sustainable success, including health-, education-, agriculture-, and microfinance programs so they can break the poverty cycle themselves.

For donors who care about…

  • Rural grassroots community projects
  • Sustainable grassroots programs
  • Skill-building programs
  • Gender equality

How to Support

13. 18 Reasons

18 Reasons volunteers

18 Reasons is a nonprofit, community-focused culinary school hosting cooking classes and local events to empower people with kitchen confidence and access to nutritious foods. The organization provides more than 16,500 pounds of fresh, healthy food each month to the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition, 18 Reasons works with public schools, food pantries, community centers, and other agencies to offer free nutrition and cooking classes (like their Cooking Matters and Nourishing Pregnancy programs), grocery donations, and peer support to low-income community members.

For donors who care about…

  • Improving low-income families’ food security
  • Programs for kids, teens, adults, and families
  • The Bay Area community
  • Nutrition education

How to Support

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