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13 Anti-Bullying Nonprofits to Support Right Now

Rumors. Vicious online comments. Pushing, shoving, name-calling.

For 1 out of 5 children in America—especially LGBTQ+, ethnically diverse, and differently abled  kids—these things are as commonplace as math tests and soccer practice. Worse still, bullied kids are almost 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than their peers.

And while bullying affects students in significantly high numbers, working adults can face it too, with nearly 1 in 4 saying they’ve experienced or are currently experiencing bullying at work.

Thankfully, due to the efforts of dozens of nonprofits, we’re learning what really stops bullies. Research-backed interventions—like providing easy-to-access support for young people, or providing bullying-prevention programs in schools—have shown to decrease instances of bullying by up to 25%.

But together, we can do even better.

Get to know these 11 anti-bullying nonprofits, and help save lives by donating to your favorites.

13 Anti-Bullying Nonprofits to Donate to Today

1. Stomp Out Bullying

Stomp Out Bullying home page

Stomp Out Bullying is a nonprofit leading the way in stopping every form of bullying against every student. The nonprofit works to educate young people on what discrimination is—from homophobia to racism—as well as what it looks like, how to avoid it, and how to stop it.

Stomp Out Bullying promotes campaigns like National Bullying Prevention Month (October), National Culture Week (in April, which works to teach young people how to build kind, caring social cultures), as well as hashtags like #SeeMe, which invites young people to share the great things they wish more people would notice about them. 

For donors who care about…

  • Ending racism and homophobia among youth
  • Supporting youth-led awareness campaigns

How to Support Stomp Out Bullying

2. No Bully

No Bully home page

No Bully is a nonprofit that has helped stop bullying through their work with over 250,000 students nationwide, and through their numerous global anti-bullying campaigns. Founded by a former subject of school bullying, Nicolas Carlisle stepped up and established No Bully to help teach other kids how to stop bullying in its tracks. Today, the nonprofit brings anti-bullying educational programs to dozens of schools every year.

For donors who care about…

  • Anti-bullying education in schools
  • Training community leaders and educators to identify and stop bullying

How to Support No Bully

3. Kind Campaign

Kind Campaign home page

Kind Campaign is a nonprofit focused specifically on ending bullying among young girls, and bringing healing to those who have been victims of bullying. Through their documentary, school programming, international school tours, and more, founders Lauren Paul and Molly Thompson have brought their anti-bullying message to thousands of young girls around the world.

Kind Campaign’s website is a robust resource, helping girls learn about the impact bullying can have on others and on themselves, and providing unique character-building resources, such as an online form that serves as a safe place for girls to share their stories, and Kind Cards they can share with others. The site even has resources to help girls become comfortable with apologizing, and practice considering how their actions may have impacted others.

For donors who care about…

  • Girl-on-girl bullying prevention
  • Character-building and empowerment for young girls

How to Support Kind Campaign

4. PACER National Bullying Prevention Center

PACER National Bullying Prevention Center home page

The PACER National Bullying Prevention Center is a nonprofit that has been actively working to end bullying since 2006. The nonprofit works with educators, providing resources and materials as well as development opportunities that can help teachers and administrators identify and stop bullying before it’s too late. PACER creates and publishes resources for kids too, such as their PACER Kids Against Bullying site (and Teens Against Bullying), which helps kids identify bullying, stop it, and even look within to see if they might have some bullying habits, too.

For donors who care about…

  • Promoting accessible anti-bullying material to kids and teens
  • Providing tool kids and educational resources to parents and educators

How to Support PACER National Bullying Prevention Center

5. National School Climate Center

National School Climate Center home page

The National School Climate Center is a nonprofit tackling school bullying by focusing on school climates as a whole. By developing tools that make it easier to evaluate, measure, and address  the social dynamic within schools, the National School Climate Center helps communities answer questions that can help families and leaders nationwide learn more about how students’ and educators’ school experiences are impacting them, and what and what can be done to make life in American schools more positive and productive.

For donors who care about…

  • School climate research and improving schools overall
  • Supporting positive school experiences for students and educators alike

How to Support the National School Climate Center

6. Tyler Clementi Foundation

Tyler Clementi Foundation home page

The Tyler Clementi Foundation is an anti-bullying nonprofit founded in memory of college student Tyler Clementi, a victim of bullying and homophobia, whose life was lost to suicide at just 18 years old. The nonprofit focuses on stopping bullying by registering as many “upstanders” as they can (people who have taken a pledge to notice and stop bullying), and to stand by those who have been bullied. The foundation also provides free toolkits anyone can download and use in their own communities, which includes unique toolkits made just for places of worship, community centers, workplaces, fraternities and sororities, and more.

For donors who care about…

  • Community-wide anti-bullying efforts ranging from schools to workplaces and beyond
  • Uplifting Tyler Clementi’s legacy by joining the fight against bullying

How to Support the Tyler Clementi Foundation

7. National Association of People Against Bullying

National Association of People Against Bullying home page

The National Association of People Against Bullying is a nonprofit bringing anti-bullying education and support services to young people and schools across the country. The organization strives to serve victims of bullying as well as school staff directly, going as far as to provide 1:1 intervention services people can inquire about right on their website. Their Cool 2 Be Kind clubs are in schools nationwide, and are easy for students and educators to start in their own schools. The National Association of People Against Bullying was founded by Anna Mendez, whose son Daniel lost his life to suicide at the age of 16 after enduring years of school bullying. Daniel’s story can be read in his mother’s book, If These Halls Could Talk: The Daniel Mendez Story.

For donors who care about…

  • Providing bullied students with a source of direct support and intervention
  • Promoting anti-bullying clubs in school

How to Support the National Association of People Against Bullying

8. Dear Bully Stop Bullying

Dear Bully Stop Bullying home page

Dear Bully Stop Bullying is a Taylor, Michigan-based anti-bullying nonprofit that not only works to raise awareness and prevent school bullying, but also provides for local homeless populations and young people in need. The nonprofit runs a help line local youth can call when they’re in need of support or help with bully intervention, and also hosts fun, local community fundraising events. Dear Bully Stop Bullying was founded by Lynn McFadden in 2017, whose own childhood experiences with bullying inspired her to write the children’s book Phebe’s First Day of School

For donors who care about…

  • Supporting anti-bullying efforts in the Taylor, Michigan area
  • Supporting local homeless populations and families in need

How to Support Dear Bully Stop Bullying

9. Champions Against Bullying

Champions Against Bullying home page

Champions Against Bullying is a nonprofit fighting bullying, in part, by partnering with actors, writers, and other creative people willing to lend their platforms to spread the message that bullying is real, and it can be stopped. These “star champions” pledge to visit schools and speak with kids about the impact bullying can have on a person’s life, share their stories, and teach students how to stand up and stop bullies in their tracks. The award-winning, international nonprofit is led by authors and experts in child and adolescent psychology who commit to helping kids by providing their parents, teachers, and caregivers with science-backed, anti-bullying educational resources.

For donors who care about…

  • Inspiring kids with a star-studded cast of anti-bullying school speakers 
  • Providing adults with research-based anti-bullying strategies and resources 

How to Support Champions Against Bullying

10. Stand for the Silent

Stand for the Silent home page

Stand for the Silent is an anti-bullying nonprofit that has brought its message to nearly 2,000 schools since its founding in 2010. The Oklahoma-based nonprofit was founded by a group of high school students in response to the suicide of an 11-year-old boy named Ty Field-Smalley, who had been bullied for two years prior to his death. Today, Ty’s father Kirk has devoted his life to sharing his family’s story through speaking engagements at schools across the country. After each school visit, the nonprofit invites students to sign anti-bullying pledge cards, and empowers them to form Stand for the Silent chapters on their own campuses.

For donors who care about…

  • Supporting a family-led organization in memory of young Ty Field-Smalley
  • Empowering young students to lead anti-bullying efforts in their own schools

How to Support Stand for the Silent

11. Generations Against Bullying

Generations Against Bullying home page

Generations Against Bullying (GAB) is a nonprofit offering a wealth of expertly-designed anti-bullying educational programming and resources fit for all ages. The nonprofit’s programming runs the gamut, from helping kids become anti-bullying ambassadors in their schools and communities, to bringing celebrity speakers to share their anti-bullying messages in schools, to hosting engaging and fun puppet shows for young children that help instill positive values that can last a lifetime.

Read more about Generations Against Bullying in our featured nonprofit spotlight.

For donors who care about…

  • Making the anti-bullying message engaging and memorable for kids
  • Teaching kids about bullying early, and creating exciting anti-bullying curriculums

How to Support Generations Against Bullying

12. Kidpower

Kidpower website

Kidpower is a global nonprofit leader in personal safety education for all ages with a bullying prevention program that teaches adults the skills needed to provide effective child protection and help kids build strong relationships. Since 1989, Kidpower has protected over 5.6 million children, teens, and adults, including those with special needs, from bullying, abuse, sexual assault, and physical trauma. Its workshops and educational resources are available to parents, counselors, teachers, and other professionals seeking to protect youth in their care.

For donors who care about…

  • Equipping adults with positive intervention and coaching skills
  • Addressing specific types of bullying, like cyberbullying and prejudice-based bullying

How to Support Kidpower

13. Community Matters

Community Matters website

Community Matters is a California-based, internationally recognized nonprofit dedicated to improving the social-emotional climate of schools and communities. The organization empowers students and adults to create safe, inclusive schools and communities. Since its inception in 1996, Community Matters has worked with more than 2,000 schools, agencies, and organizations nationwide to prevent and stop bullying through programs like its evidence-based, student-led Safe School Ambassadors® and Not at My School Campaign.

For donors who care about…

  • Student-led bullying prevention programs
  • Creating inclusive, positive school climates

How to Support Community Matters