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5 Simple Steps to Refresh Your Spring Decor

Let’s welcome the season that’s marked with new beginnings and fresh starts with open arms! If you’re like most people, the sun shining, flowers in bloom and colors exploding everywhere has you more pumped than ever to energize, organize and refresh your home. But, where do you start? You’d be surprised at how much of a difference a couple of simple changes can make. So, let’s put some of that restless, spring fever energy to good use and liven up your personal spaces with the following steps.

1. Declutter and Refresh

One of the first things to do when refreshing your space this spring is to eliminate the items that make a room feel heavy. You need to get rid of all the junk that’s just been hanging around all winter. You know…those unnecessary things collecting dust on your shelves or the pile of magazines taking over your desk. Recycle old newspapers and give old books a new home. Revamp your pantry by removing expired canned goods. Get rid of the four phone chargers in your drawer that you don’t use anymore. After a successful decluttering mission, freshen everything up with the help of cleaning supplies and tools from Jet that allow you to affordably clean rugs, remove stains, polish wood furniture, shampoo carpets, brighten windows, and free furnishings from their dust prison. Also, don’t forget that your outdoor space is still apart of your home! Repot your plants, set up a bistro table, and bring out a toss blanket for a more cozy feel.

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2. Let there be Light!

Come out of that winter cocoon and take advantage of warmer, sunnier days by opening the blinds and pulling back the curtains to let more light in. Aside from the dose of Vitamin D you get from natural sunlight, you also save on your electric bill and enjoy an instant mood lift from basking in brighter surroundings. Take down heavy, winter-friendly curtains and infuse a room with lightweight window treatments. For example, white- or cream-colored sheers from Macy’s offer just the right amount of sunshine and privacy while softening indoor spaces. Also, to compliment the airy feel — be sure to invest in a few light or pastel furniture and kitchen appliances.

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3. Rejuvenate with a Pillow Swap

You don’t have to do a complete overhaul of a room to get it ready for spring. Simple home décor swaps can really transform a space. For example, it doesn’t cost much to switch up throw pillows to add just the right amount of springtime color to a room. Exchange darker-hued pillows for softer, pastel shades, such as pale pink, lemon yellow, and seafoam blue. Tap into the energy of spring with floral pillows – a sweet way to add lively pops of color…especially to neutral and outdoor spaces. Choose trendy and themed accent pillows (like lemon slices or pineapples) for a fun patio furniture fix. And, don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Decorative pillows from West Elm include bold geometric patterns, warmer seasonal hues and vibrant Sari silk pillow covers that serve as inviting conversation pieces.

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4. Go Green with Indoor Plants

Give your home a healthy boost with fresh flowers and potted plants…and watch your environment flourish with visual enhancements that not only invigorate a room, but are also good for your overall wellbeing and mind. Indoor greenery is natural mood boosters and also releases oxygen, which helps you breathe easier. There’s many ways to add more green to your spaces. Lowe’s sells an array of trendsetting planters already outfitted with indoor air plants, succulents and cactus for your home. Greenery comes in all shapes and sizes, from windowsill herb gardens to ornamental trees in terracotta pots. But, if you’re looking for some of the most attention-grabbing, air-purifying plants to refresh a room, be on the lookout for some of these: orchids, spider plants, epiphytic bromeliads, English ivy, peace lilies, chrysanthemums, and bamboo.

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5. Time to Host Outside

Hosting dinner parties and get togethers outside is something you’ve probably always wanted to do. And what’s keeping you from doing it? Probably because you haven’t shown your backyard any love in quite awhile! Invest in outdoor furniture that’s comfortable yet stylish and Gilt has a great, affordable selection! (So no more excuses!) Pair your new outdoor seating with a Gilt’s spring candles or striking lanterns if you’re really looking into elevating the ambiance during the evening.

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Once you’re done rejuvenating your home, how about a little spring shopping for a new wardrobe? When you download our Giving Assistant Button, we’ll point you in the right direction to the latest deals, discounts and savings on your favorite brands and stores.

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